Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day in Prague

10 miles (2966 miles)

New day, new city. Hard life. Well, I got an early 8 AM start to look around the city. I started off my day by touring the famous Prague castle. Well worth a tour, I walked around the Prague Castle Cathedral Palace and Basillica. I learned about the ancient history of Bohemia. After a tasty traditional sausage and Czech desert, I walked across the crowded Charles Bridge. Built with numerous ornamental statues, it had a picturesque view of the river. I spent the remainder of the morning riding through the city to view other cathedrals, the old Jewish University, the National Theater, and National Museum. After visiting the National Museum I made the decision to bike to Regensburg, Germany.  I made the decision while hundreds of motorcycles and motorscooters rushed across the city center. Tempted to join the flow of vehicles, I slipped into the traffic and it was awesome.  I rode for a couple miles through the streets, on the highway, all which was blocked for a procession.  I had many waves, photographs, and a  few laughs. It  was a great way to see the city. After a change of heart, I headed back to the city and contacted the CSer Michal.  I contacting him an hour before he planned to leave for a concert so I sped off to meet him. Michal was incredible, letting me wash my clothes, offering me plenty of food and water. Later, we headed to a world music concert where I listened to an Algerian and Morrocan band .  I met a few of Michals friends and we talked and ate lots of Czech food and beer. The night was just beginning as we headed to museum night in the city. I visited Prague on the night where all of the museums are open for free! This was a very fortunate coincidence. We visited three museums, including an art museum displaying works from 1200 BC to 1500 BC.  Michal, an art history major, helped explain the different styles. We later met up with two other CSers from Estonia who also stayed with Michal. Later, we went to an agricultural museum and a coffee museum. We ended the night with a drink in a local bar slash cinema. I truly enjoyed my time with Michal, his friends, and the other CSers. I learned much about Czech culture, ancient history, modern history, art, and more importantly the Czech way of life. I am so very happy to have had made the decision to contact Michal!

Good morning to a new city, a new nation 

Bike pose 
Prague castle and cathedral 

Inside Prague cathedral 

Panorama of Prague 
A little music for my morning tour 

50 Korouna Sausage 
Strolling along the St. Charles Bridge 
In the city center 
Drinking a Czech Pils at a world music concert in Prague 
Michal and I
A cultural czech dance 

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