Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Just a bit of cycling in Melbourne

20 miles (1266 miles total) 

I had a fantastic day exploring the city of Melbourne today. Rose and Michael have been the most delightful hosts and tour guides.

We rode from there home in Northern Melbourne, Esesenton, to the centre of the city. We rode along the bay and I had a chance to get a feel for the city. After a few km, we enjoyed a coffee by the beach. The city in unlike any place I have visited. The buildings are a wide mix of architectural styles. The yarra river is very pleasant, cutting through the center of the city. The city has a great cycling network, complete with the Copenhagen style physical dividers between cycling trails and road.

I have really enjoyed spending time with rose and Michael, learning about the similarities and differences between the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand. I have been enjoying the sporting events here as I mentioned yesterday. Today we watched the Stawell Gift races. Track races, ranging from 100 m to 1600 m, it was unlike anything I have watched. Each player is given a handicap based on previous races. In addition, a celebrity competitior, who has the greatest handicap competes. The primary race, a 120 m sprint, awards 40,000 Aussie dollars. It was especially interesting as Michael and Roses daughters boyfriend was competiting.

Just for fun, here are the differences I have noticed about this part of the world:

Rugby football reigns in NZ
Aussie rules in Victoria, Australia
Rugby in NSW
Population of USA >>>> Australia, NZ
Baseball in US
Holidays - i.e. ANZAC day
Vacation time - 4 weeks legally obligated
Commonwealth - Australia and NZ legally reigned by Queen (but not really)
Energy concerns - power switches for outlets, no dryers, cycling more popular to work, gasoline is much more expensive!
Health care - Universal

 My bed for the night!
 New day, new skyline 

 Along the Yarra river
 Showing off the beard 

 St. Pauls Anglican church 

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